Journal Entries
Halloween History,Energy And Crystals Too
The ancient roots of Halloween and the energy of this season with some healing crystal suggestions to support you.
Autumn Equinox Energies
Summer is fading away into Fall. Can you feel it? The weather is cooling, darkness is coming earlier and I swear I can feel the energy slowing. The 2022 Autumn Equinox is arriving September 22nd. Let’s grab our crystals and harness the energy.
Crystals and Other Tools to Ease Anxiety
If you live with anxiety like so many others try these energetic techniques. They have helped me deal with those anxious moments. Crystals, meditation, breath work and scents can be powerful allies to help calm.
The Energy of Summer Solstice
All year we’ve been waiting for Summer Solstice. The energy has been building. Now that it’s here; how do we work with this beautiful energy?
New Moon vs Full Moon
There’s a lot of focus on the new and full moon phases. Ever wonder what the difference is? If so let’s get into it.
Cleansing and Charging Crystals
To cleanse and charge or not to cleanse and charge..that is the question.