Autumn Equinox Energies
In the Northern Hemisphere Summer is fading away into Fall. Can you feel it? The weather is cooling, darkness is coming earlier and I swear I can feel the energy slowing. The Autumn Equinox, which is also called Mabon by those who practice earth-based religion will be upon us on September 22nd at 9:04pm EST.
The word Equinox comes from the latin words “aequus” meaning equal and “nox” meaning night. That’s exactly what happens at both the Equinoxes (Autumn and Spring), we get (almost) equal time of day and night.
The earth orbits the sun and because of the earths tilt there is usually more sun on one hemisphere than the other. On the Equinoxes though, the the earth is neither tilted toward or away from the sun, which gives us almost equal amounts of daylight and darkness. During the Autumn Equinox the sun is crossing the celestial equator from North to South (the opposite is true on Spring Equinox).
Fall represents balance, harvest, inward growth, gratitude and letting go.
During the Equinox we have a balance of night and day, light and dark. It’s no mistake that the sun moves into Libra on the 23rd of September. Libra is all about balance and harmony. Now is the perfect time for us to look at our lives and see where we could use some more balance and/or harmony.
Whether that be the actual harvest of things we planted in our garden earlier this year or the metaphoric harvest of the intentions we set. Now is the time to reap the benefits and acknowledge the growth.
Inward Growth
The Equinoxes are a time of growth and transformation. Autumn’s growth is a more inward one. A time to look at our own personal growth and development rather than that of the outside world. We are preparing for the winter hibernation after all.
Letting Go
Just like the trees let go of their leaves so they can grow even stronger next Spring; Autumn is the time we go inward and see what we need to let go of. We can’t get stronger with the dead leaves hanging on.
Giving thanks for the harvest and growth is essential. Showing gratitude for both our wins and our lessons (we don’t lose, we either win or we learn) gives instructions to the Universe (Source, God, whatever you choose to call it) that we want more of that.
Decorate your home or Space for the season, even if it’s just your front door . This is a fun and creative way to bring the Autumn energy into your living space.
Make a gratitude journal or simply just write down a few things you’re grateful for. If you have kids, this is a great practice to get them in the habit of.
Go apple picking. Nothing screams Fall more than fresh picked apples. Then, bake a homemade pie or applesauce with your harvest.
Here’s my favorite applesauce recipe:
2 navel oranges, zested & juiced
1 lemon, zested & juiced
3 lbs (6-8) Granny Smith apples & 3 lbs sweet red apples
1/4 cp brown sugar (1/2 cp if you like it sweeter)
2 tsp cinnamon & 1/2 tsp. allspice
Preheat oven to 350 & get a large nonreactive or enameled dutch oven ready.
Put zest & juice of oranges & lemon in dutch oven
Add peeled, cored & sliced apples (saving peel from 2 red apples & adding to the mix)
Gently stir in brown sugar & spices
Cook, covered 11/2 hrs them mash
Makes 2 1/2 quarts & freezes well
Work with crystals that align to energies of the Autumn Equinox. It’s a great way to honor the season and get yourself energetically aligned.
You can work with them in meditation, place them throughout your space , create an Autumn Equinox alter or even build a powerful crystal grid (like shown above).
Crystals used in grid above:
Clear Quartz - clarity & magnification
Unakite - balance & grounding
Tiger Eye - harmony & discernment
Aragonite - Healing, balance & harmony
You could also work with a Moonstone in one hand & Sunstone in the other to tap into the balance of the light & dark. Moonstone is also a great stone for the energy of gratitude.
However you chose to work with energies of this 2022 Autumn Equinox, even if it’s simply lighting a candle and thinking of a few things you’re grateful for, just do it mindfully and with an open heart.
As the earth undergoes the change of seasons, it reminds us all that life too, has seasons and that we have the choice to make changes in ourselves to become stronger, healthier and happier human beings.
Happy Fall to you all 🍁