Crystals and Other Tools to Ease Anxiety

You're Not Alone.

Anxiety is an issue so many of us live with, including myself. So I see you & want to give you some tools that have helped me & others. 
If you have tried to work through your anxiety using these or other methods to no avail please seek professional help - there should be no shame in asking for help when you need it.

Anti-Anxiety Toolbox

1.) Crystals (of course)

Lepidolite - is my go to crystal for anxiety. It contains lithium, which is probably why it's so effective in calming frayed nerves.
Cherry Tanzurine - which is a natural red colored quartz with lepidolite inclusions. This crystal can help us not
become overwhelmed with anxiety when facing difficult situations.
Black Tourmaline - is not a crystal specifically for anxiety, but it is one of the best crystals for protection against negative energy. Protecting our energy, especially when we live with anxiety is extremely important.

You can use your crystals in many ways to help calm yourself : you can hold them while you meditate or do mindful breathing, you can wear them in jewelry, stick them in your bra, sleep with them under your pillow or on your nightstand.
***tip - if you are prone to anxiety I suggest always having 1 or 2 in your purse or car. I am almost never without lepidolite and/or black tourmaline near by.

2.) Scent

Scent is powerful and can instantly change our moods. Our Drift Off spray is not only a perfect night-time spray for restfully sleep, but it has many soothing, calming, anti-anxiety essential oils in it. It's a perfect spray to have on hand anytime you're feeling a little nervous/anxious. Spritz a few pumps in air or lightly onto yourself & inhale the calm. Here’s the 100% natural essential oils in our blend:
Frankincense - is grounding & balancing
Lavender - which is widely known for it's relaxing properties
Palo Santo - is not only energetically clearing but also decreases stress
Chamomile - helps calm & relax
Bergamot - helps reduce stress & raise your overall vibe

You can also get high quality pure essential oils and diffuse them in your space.

3.) Breath

When we are holding any tension or anxiety in our bodies our breathing tends to be shallow and we breath from our chest. When anxiety hits we need to become mindful of our breathing. Deep/abdominal breathing can help relax our nervous system. So the next time you start having “that feeling” (if you know, you know) try this…
*place your right hand on your heart & your left hand on your belly.
*inhale slowly through your nose for a count of 5 - focus on expanding your abdomen not your chest.
*exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of 5 - making a “whoosh” sound as you do it.
*Repeat at least 3 times until you’re feeling more centered and relaxed.

4.) Meditation

Meditation is simply the practice of intentionally taking time to sit , breath and be quiet with ourselves. It can help calm and refocus our minds and nervous system when anxiety strikes.
You can just sit in quiet or you can try a guided meditation. My favorite free app for meditation is Insight Timer, give it a try.

5.) All The Things

I love layering the energies. I feel it increases all the good feels.
*Grab your calming crystals
*Spray your Drift Off spray (or diffuse some calming essential oils)
*Put your earbuds in (or just sit in quiet space) & start your meditation
*During your meditation hold your crystal in your left hand or just place it close to you
*Focus on your breathing

Even just a quick 5 minute session can be beneficial to lessen that anxious feeling. Burning a little sage or palo santo before you start can be helpful, too - to clear the energy and start fresh.

So go ahead and try one, two or all of the things & see if you can get get to calmer, peaceful state of mind.
And remember you are the magic ✨


Autumn Equinox Energies


The Energy of Summer Solstice