The Heart Chakra -Love Is In The Air

It’s February so there’s no better time to talk about love and the heart chakra.

Chakras are energy centers in our energetic bodies that help keep us balanced and healthy. The heart chakra, which is located in the center of our chest is the 4th chakra; landing smack dab in the middle of our 7 main chakras. The 3 lower chakras (root, sacral & solar plexus) all correspond with 3 earthly elements. The root represents Earth, sacral chakra represents Water and our solar plexus represents Fire. On the other hand our 3 higher chakras: throat, third eye & crown all represent higher spiritual realms. The heart chakra being in the middle represents Air - I’ve heard it said that the heart chakra is the space between Heaven & Earth and I think that’s a perfect analogy.

The heart chakra is vital for both self-love & the love of other. It’s also responsible for our ability to nurture & show empathy and compassion, for both ourselves and others. There are many kinds of love: brotherly/sisterly love, love of community, self-love and of course romantic love (just to name a few) and the heart chakra is about them all. So you can see why keeping our heart chakras balanced is so important.

When your heart chakra is balanced you will feel emotionally balanced, you will be able to give & receive love and show compassion & empathy towards other. If your heart chakra is closed or under-active you may feel: withdrawn, lonely, judgmental & even lack empathy. If it’s over-active you may be: demanding, dependent, jealous or a martyr by over-giving of yourself.

Now life happens to all of us - we will rarely be able to keep all our chakras nice & balanced at all times…let’s get real. There are things we can do regularly though to help keep them in check, so let’s get into that!

  1. Work With Crystals
    The chakras all have corresponding colors - but the heart chakra is the only one that has two colors associated with, green & pink. So one easy way to work on helping to balance the heart chakra is by bringing crystals or stones that resonate with it into your personal space.
    Our bedrooms should be our sanctuary so (even if you’re single) infuse the energy of your bedroom with the vibration of love. Crystals such as: Rhodochrosite for compassion, kindness and self-love, Rose Quartz which is the Mother of the loves crystals, Malachite for bringing emotional balance to your heart chakra, Ruby for a little passion and Morganite so you feel worthy of love. These are by far just a few examples a & they may even help you get a restful night sleep.

    Toss a chunk of Rose Quartz in the tub with you - if you only have a small tumbled stone or crystal, put it in a cotton bag (so it doesn’t go down your drain) and literally bathe in it’s gentle, loving energy. ***before you go throwing any old crystal or stone in water check the Mohs hardness or you’re at risk of your beautiful crystal being ruined. Quartz is always a good bet with a harness of 7.

    Grab one of your “love stones” and just hold it in mediation or just a little quiet time as you reflect or even journal about all the types of love in your life. Amplify the love energy by pouring yourself a cup of rose & lavender tea and light a pink colored candle. Layering the energies is so good!

Rose Quartz




2. Work With Scent

Scents like everything else carry a vibrational energy. By scents I feel we should keep it natural, as synthetics (in my opinion) have a very low frequency (vibe). Some scents that resonate with heart are : rose & ylang ylang. So literally go smell the roses or diffuse some 100% natural essential oils. You could always try mixing your oils with a carrier oil (jojoba, sweet almond) and anointing your crystals with a little dab and some for yourself.

3. Get Some Energy Work Done
Not only is Crystal Therapy (aka crystal healing) totally relaxing it will help balance all your chakras. It’s good “energetic hygiene”. The great news is you don’t have to do these sessions in person, they can be done at a distance and be just as effective (energy doesn’t know time & space).

So in closing I hope you realize how very important your heart chakra is to your overall well being. Try at least one of the suggestions above - hey it can’t hurt; it very well may help! Know we are all loved in some way & Happy February 2022.


Happy Spring Equinox