The Energy of Summer Solstice
The day we’ve all (or at least most of us) have been waiting for…Summer Solstice!
Since Winter Solstice, the days have been becoming gradually longer and on Summer Solstice they reach their peak; we have the longest day of the year.
This year, 2022 Summer Solstice falls on June 21st at 5:14am EST. This is not the case every year; the June solstice isn’t based on a specific date, but rather an astronomic event. It coincides with the Sun reaching its northern most point. Summer Solstice can fall anywhere between June 20 - 22nd.
What’s Going on in the Cosmos ?
The Earth rotates (orbits) at an angle and the angle or “tilt” is most pronounced at the Solstices (Winter and Summer). When we in the Northern Hemisphere are enjoying Summer Solstice, our friends in the Southern Hemisphere are having Winter Solstice.
When the Northern Hemisphere is at max tilt toward the Sun this equates to our Summer Solstice.
Spiritually/Energetically Speaking
Summer represents completion, recognizing the light within, pausing, celebrating and having fun enjoying life.
Pagans and Wiccans celebrate what is called Litha (one of their 8 Sabbats) at the Summer Solstice.
After Summer Solstice the days will gradually begin to shorten again (Solstice is the peak). This is a great time to reflect on the peaks in our own lives. Take some time and think about our accomplishments over the last year.
Celebrate the light within , embrace life, love the life we have right now, even if it’s not exactly where we want to be. Summer shows us that the light always wins out over the darkness.
Seeds where sown in Spring so now is the time to pause/rest, have some fun and celebrate life. Summer is here to remind us to live in the moment and appreciate the beauty all around us as nothing is meant to last forever.
Tap Into the Energy of Summer
1.) Have a bon fire
Fire rituals have long been associated with Summer Solstice. They are said to boost the
suns energy thus making for a good Fall harvest. Some even say that the fire wards off
evil spirits. Whatever you believe, a bon fire can be a fun way to gather with friends and
family and celebrate.
2.) Go strawberry picking
Or just enjoy some local grown berries. There’s a reason the June Full Moon is called the
“strawberry” Moon. Which by the way falls on June 14th this year.
3.) Make some sun-tea
What better way to enjoy the solar energy of Summer Solstice than letting the sun rays
steep your tea. Add some fresh herbs and to really layer the energies of this Solstice add
some strawberries.
Strawberry Sun Tea
6-8 cps filtered cold water
2-4 family size tea bags
2-4 fresh mint sprigs
15 whole frozen strawberries
Place water and tea in a covered pitcher and place in sun about 4 hours.
Remove tea bags and add berries and mint.
Let sit 10 minutes and stir.
Garnish with more fresh berries & mint if desired.
4.) Work with crystals
Work with crystals that are associated with Summer energy. A few good choices include :
Citrine - represents joy, prosperity, self-empowerment and is a great crystal to use for
manifesting with.
Green Aventurine - this heart chakra crystal is about hope, optimism, joy, vitality, and
growth. A perfect Summer stone.
Sunstone - this is an obvious choice as “sun” is right in the name. Sunstone carries the
frequency of the sun and resonates with creativity, passion and vitality. A must have for
the season.
Pyrite - helps give us the willpower and confidence to take the action needed and create
abundance in our lives.
You can make a crystal grid (like the pictured below) or simply carry/keep near the crystal
of your choice. They can be used in meditation or even in a Summer Solstice ritual bath
along with a few lighted candles (representing the fire element). How ever you feel called
to use your crystals to tap into the Solstice energy is what’s good and needed for YOU.
Center stone: Citrine tower
Surrounding stones : Green Aventurine, Sunstone & Clear Quartz.
Outer Crystals: Clear Quartz points at each direction (N,S,E & W).
Lighted candles and dried rose petals for added energy.
5.) Watch the live stream from Stonehenge
Every year thousands gather in Wiltshire, England at the pre-historic monument called
Stonehenge to watch the spectacular sight of the Summer Solstice sunrise.
Stonehenge was built over 4,000 years ago; no one is 100% certain why it was built.
What is certain is that it was constructed in way for optimal viewing of the Solstices.
You can watch the live stream on Facebook.
However you choose to celebrate Summer Solstice just tune into the energy. Feel the hope and joy Summer has to offer.
“Smell the sea and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly” -Van Morrison
Happy Summer Solstice !