Happy Spring Equinox
The 1st day of Spring (A.K.A Spring Equinox) comes every March for those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere. The Spring Equinox brings with it equal parts day and night; then the days following, daylight starts to win out over the darkness of Winter.
In nature spring is a time of growth and re-birth as the trees start budding, spring flowers start blooming and plants start their new cycle of growth. It’s full of hope for all beauty that is to come as the seasons begin to change.
As Mother Earth begins to stir, now is the perfect time to tap into the energies spring is bringing forth. As we begin to come out of our introspective winter hibernation and start to focus on balance, renewal and growth of our own. Plant the seeds of possibility in your own life. Ask yourself or better yet journal: What is you want? What are your hearts desires? What is possible? Think balance not overwhelm.
Some ideas of how to tap into these Spring energies:
1.) Get out in nature
Literally just go take a walk outdoors. If you want to go one step further take your shoes
off and walk barefoot in the grass (A.K.A earthing).
Take your meditation outdoors or sit outside while you listen to some music
2.) Plant some seeds or bring a new live plant into your home.
3.) Deep clean your home or space
A clean, fresh home or space is so good for the soul. Declutter your spaces, too. A cluttered
space is proven to have a negative effect on our mood and focus.
4.) Smoke cleanse and energetically clear your space
After you physically clear/cleanse your spaces grab your sage bundle (or spray), open a
window and begin energetically clearing your space of any negativity or any energies that
no longer serve you. As you are doing this you can recite this mantra “Into this smoke (or
spray) I release all low vibrations and anything not serving the highest good. I fill myself
and my space with love and positive energy. Amen and So It Is”.
5.) Start a new project or finish one you’ve been wanting to complete.
6.) Do a Spring craft project
Get your creative juices flowing. You could paint some flower pots for your porch or deck,
Make some pillows for porch chairs or even make a crystal terrarium (this is definitely
going to my Spring project.
My Spring craft inspiration
7.) Work with crystals that resonate with Spring
Green Aventurine is all about growth and vitality. A perfect Spring crystal.
Rose Quartz - the Ultimate Heart Chakra stone. Release any emotional baggage and embrace the frequency of love.
Unakite Jasper to bring balance to the emotional and physical body by releasing low vibration and disharmony.
No matter how you chose to honor the ushering in of the Spring season my wish is you do it with hope and joy in your heart.
Happy Spring!