New Moon vs Full Moon
Harnessing the magical power of the moon is not a “new age” idea. It has been going on since ancient times.
The moon represents our unconscious mind while the sun represents the otter world, our identity or ego. We are affected by the moon cycles whether we are conscious of it or not. The moon affects the ocean tides with its gravitational pull; the human body is approximately 60% water so how can we not be affected in some way?
In the metaphysical community there’s a lot of focus on the new and full moon phases. Ever wonder what the difference is? If so let’s get into it.
New Moon
We will start with the new moon because it is the first phase in the lunar cycle.
Astrologically - just a little science so we can understand what’s going on in the sky.
During a new moon, the moon is sitting between the sun and earth, they are next to each other in the same astrological sign (this is why all new moons are in the same sign as the sun. If it’s May 1st which is Cancer season the new moon will be in Cancer). So from our perspective on earth, the moon is not visible because the suns rays are shining on the side of moon that is facing away from earth.
Spiritual Significance Of The New Moon - The new moon represents new beginnings and fresh starts (it is the first phase of the lunar cycle after all). When the moon is dark it’s the perfect time to go inward and ask ourselves “what do I really want, what are my true desires”? It’s a time to set new intentions, begin new projects, plant your souls’ seeds.
New Moon Practices or Rituals:
- Set Intentions
What would you like to come about this moon cycle? Do you want to be kinder to yourself, practice more self care? Do you want to improve your communication with loved ones? Have you been putting off a project? Whatever your intentions..set them now.
- Journal
Writing your intentions can make them more powerful. Keep a moon journal (or just a journal in general). This can be fun and productive way to keep us on track with the actual work we need to do bring our intentions to fruition. It’s also good to look back and see how our intentions have changed. Looking at our personal and spiritual growth is necessary in moving forward with them.
- Take Time To Be Present
As Ram Dass said “BE HERE NOW”. Take time to mediate (being present with yourself) and also take some time to actually be present with the people in your life; unplug from the devices for a bit.
- Stay Open To Opportunities
-Work With Crystals
Crystals are great tools for accelerating your intentions - another layer of energy to help push them forward. A few great choices for new moon work : labradorite, iolite, clear quartz, and black moonstone. You can hold them in mediation, just have them near you while you journal or as you go about your day. You could even build a new moon crystal grid. Working with crystals will intensify the energy of clear intentions, new beginnings and hope for the future.
Full Moon
Astrologically - The full moon lands right in the middle of the 8 moon phases. When the moon is full has has made a 180 degree orbit around the earth since its new moon phase. The moon is now opposite the sun and in the opposite zodiac (why full moons are never in same sign as the sun. If there’s a full moon on May 1st which is Taurus season, the full moon will be in Scorpio). The moon is now illuminated by the rays of the sun so from earth we see the big, bright, round, beautiful full moon in the sky.
Spiritual Significance Of The Full Moon - The full moon represents completion and shines a light on what isn’t working or is needed in our lives. It also can bring a surge of emotions, energy and creativity. We’ve all heard someone say “Oh boy, is it a full moon” ?
When the moon is full this is a great time to pause and show gratitude for the intentions or ideas that have come about since we set them weeks ago at the new moon. It’s also a perfect time to release anything that is no longer serving our highest good.
Full Moon Practices or Rituals:
- Cleanse Your Space
Physically cleanse your space. Declutter (remember it’s about releasing what’s no longer serving you).
Energetically clear your space. You can do this by smoke clearing with sage, herbs or incense or even with sound like a signing bowl or tingsha bells.
- Cleanse Yourself
Physically by taking a bath. You can take a salt bath; add crystals and essentials oils to it to add an energetic component. Get fancy and light some candles-make it a whole experience.
***tip on using crystals and essential oils in a bath. Make sure your crystals have a Mohs harness of 5 or more before putting in water for an extended time (you can Google that harness). Selenite has Mohs harness of 2 so it’s a no no for the tub, but all quartz (clear, rose, smoky, amethyst, citrine) are all good and so is moonstone. When it comes to essential oils, you never want to put them straight into the water. For safety reasons they need to be mixed in a carrier oil (jojoba, almond, olive, etc) first at ratio of 5-20 drops of EO’s in tablespoon of oil.
Energetically cleanse yourself with sage or other sacred herbs. You can literally run the smoke around your body; don’t forget to do your hands, feet and run it behind your back. If using smoke isn’t an option you could use a clearing spray (like the one we make) and just spray it where you need it. I like to spray it in the air and walk through it.
Selenite is a perfect crystal to help clear your personal aura. Just run a piece of selenite around your body with the intention to clear all energies that are not yours or that are not serving your highest good. Intention is everything with all of these practices.
- Release
Release anything that is not serving your highest good. That could includes feelings such as: self doubt, anger, jealousy or even something, like a toxic relationship or a job that is soul sucking. Whatever it is now is the time to release it. Try writing these on pieces of paper and literally burn them.
- Practice Gratitude
If you keep a journal, the full moon is a great time to write out a gratitude list. If journaling isn’t your thing just say to yourself or out loud at least 3 things you are grateful for.
- Work With Crystals
As we said before, crystals are tools to accelerate our personal/spiritual growth so why not use the tool? Some crystals that resonate with full moon energy: selenite, moonstone and clear quartz. You can use these in mediation, on your alter, in your sacred space or even in a full moon crystal healing grid.
So at the next new or full moon harness the energy, work with the magic and use it for your highest good and the good of others.
Whatever practice (AKA ritual) you chose to do during any of the magical phases of the moon, do them with intention. Intention is everything.
Happy Mooning 🌙
Here’s remainder New & Full Moons for 2022 if you want to plan ahead.